When you purchase an item in person, you have the chance to look at it, touch it, even turn it over and examine it from all angles to be sure it is exactly what you want to buy.
When it comes to e-commerce items, you are relying on the description and the images and if they are lacking in detail then you may choose not to buy. Quality product photography is used to replace those of the five senses a customer cannot use during an online purchase. As a retailer, you need to ensure that you showcase your products to their fullest potential.
Customers know what they want when it comes to buying products on the internet and that means informative reviews, accurate and detailed descriptions and plenty of high-quality images that allow them to view a product from all angles.
Our product photography services:
• Packaging shots
• Group product shots
• Lifestyle shots
• Environmental product shots
• Commercial product shots
Our process:
1. Consultation: a discussion with you to define the project's objectives, preferred style, location, concept of the shoot, and any special requests or concerns, as well as how the products need to be prepared for the shoot.
2. Preparation: once we receive the products, we will make the necessary preparations for the photo shoot of your products to make sure that your products can stand out in the images we will take.
3. The photoshoot: we will take a diverse range of shots, utilizing various angles, lighting, and props to best represent your product, capturing multiple images per angle to leave you a great choice of images to chose from.
4. The edit of your product images: we will select the best shots and enhance them for exposure, color balance, and sharpness, while eliminating distracting elements or imperfections to provide you with the highest standard of product image quality.
5. Delivery and presentation: we will supply the edited images in the agreed format, such as digital files, within 4 business days. You will always have the possibility to get supplementary services, like resizing or formatting for specific purposes, printing or online marketing free of charge, while your images are stored on our servers.
6. Feedback: you can review and evaluate the images, offers feedback, and requests adjustments within 5 business days if needed. We will then implement these changes and provide you with the finalized images.
Any questions?
You need further information or have any questions on our services? Don't look any further, feel free to contact us!
It would be our greatest pleasure to get in touch with you to discuss your next photoshoot!